While using services of this site, the users are obliged to respect public morality, all applicable laws and regulations and relevant international legislation.
All information sent including but not limited to username, forum messages, private messages and suggestions must be appropriate to public morality and current legislation. Should the information submitted to the website by users are illegal and/or contrary to public morality, KIJEHS shall not accept any liabilities.
KIJEHS shall not undertake to provide any continuous service to the users of the website.
Since the username and the password are personal, the usage of the membership by different persons shall not be allowed.
An individual may not have more than one membership for any purposes. If it is ascertained that different user names belong to the same person, KIJEHS has the right to terminate immediately and unilaterally the entire membership of the user and has a right to block user’s access to the website.
Information provided in the membership form is considered as true. All responsibility for false information belongs to the member.
The courts of Istanbul, Turkiye will have exclusive jurisdiction to adjudicate any dispute arising under or in connection with the terms use of this website.